Aloha Third Shift staff,
Hoping to get some info, if you can provide it, please. I have one of these bottle openers. I’m a writer, and I’ve been using the opener for years as a metaphor for a well-designed story: simple design / functionality, easily understood and entertaining, but when you really investigate it, it has hidden depths that are a mark of true craftsmanship.
If you’ve held this opener, you’ve likely noticed that your thumb sits perfectly over the dorsal fin, and that the tail curves around the base of your hand, making it very satisfying to use – it’s incredibly well designed.
Anyway, it’s been an inspiration for years, and I got online today hoping to find out who made it (if that’s at all possible to ascertain), in hopes of finding out more about them, or maybe even (fingers crossed) speaking to them.
Any chance you have any info to share about this fantastic piece?
Thanks for your time and consideration!